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21 Daily Hashtags for Sky-High Engagement [CHEATSHEET]

Daily hashtags are social media hashtags you can contextually use on specific days of the week. Because they’re very popular, these hashtags can increase your reach and engagement when used well. Most of these hashtags can do a great job of inspiring new content ideas. But how do you know which daily hashtag you should use?

In this piece, we present 21 of the best daily hashtags and go over how to use them to improve your engagement.

Let’s dive in!

Daily hashtags cheat sheet

Before we delve into each hashtag and how to use it, here’s a chart to help you choose a hashtag at a glance. You can use these hashtags on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, or any other social media platform you may be active on.

Day Hashtags
Monday #Monday #MondayMotivation #MondayVibes
Tuesday #TransformationTuesday #HappyTuesday #TravelTuesday
Wednesday #WednesdayWisdom #WCW or #WomenCrushWednesday #WednesdayWorkout
Thursday #TBT or #ThrowbackThursday #ThursdayThoughts #ThirstyThursday
Friday #TGIF or #FriYay #FBF or #FlashbackFriday #FridaysForFuture
Saturday #SaturdayNight #SaturdaySelfie #Caturday
Sunday #SundayFunday #SundayBrunch #SundayWalks

Note: Don’t use all these hashtags in one social media post. If you’re not sure what to do, here’s Hootsuite’s in-depth guide on how to use hashtags properly.

Monday hashtags

1. #Monday

With over 55 million posts, the #Monday hashtag is extremely popular. This is because it covers all kinds of posts—provided that they’re posted on Monday.

Because #Monday is so flexible, you can combine it with more specific hashtags to reach your target audience.

Note: You can use a hashtag with the day’s name for every day of the week. Just add some more relevant hashtags to find your audience.

2. #MondayMotivation

As the name suggests, #MondayMotivation is to be used on posts that are inspiring and thought-provoking. The goal is to lift people’s spirits so they can go through the rest of the week on a positive note.

Instagram users usually use this hashtag on a post where they share how they overcame some challenges they’d been going through. If you’re a brand, you can use this hashtag in a post where you show how your product or service can help your audience improve their lives.

You can also use this hashtag to share:

3. #MondayVibes

Use this hashtag to reflect your emotional state on any given Monday. It could be happiness, sadness, frustration, confusion, or even anger. The goal is to share how you feel that Monday with your audience.

If you feel happy and ready to tackle the week, you can pair this hashtag with the #MondayMotivation tag. But if you’re a bit sad that the weekend has ended and you now have to go back to work, you can pair #MondayVibes with #MondayBlues.

If you’re a brand, this hashtag helps you show your audience the human side of your business. After all, people like to connect with other people—not with brands. Use this hashtag to show your followers that there is a living, breathing human behind the screen.

Tuesday hashtags

4. #TransformationTuesday

If you didn’t post any motivational content on Monday, you can do it on Tuesday with this hashtag.

Instagram influencers usually use this hashtag to share transformational photos of themselves, especially fitness-related before-and-after photos. But you can use it for other things too.

You can use #TransformationTuesday to tell stories about your humble beginnings or obstacles you’ve had to tear through to get to where you are. Or you can show you how your product/service can transform your audience’s lives for the better.

5. #HappyTuesday

If something spectacular happened on Tuesday that you want to share with your followers, you can do that with this hashtag. Even if there’s no specific reason you’re happy, you can still use this hashtag.

The goal of #HappyTuesday is to spread the good vibes you feel to your audience, whether there’s a reason you feel it or not. You’re basically telling them that you’re happy today, and they should try to be happy or do things that make them happy, too.

6. #TravelTuesday

Share photos from your vacation or places you’ve visited to take your followers on your journey or inspire them to take their own trips.

With #TravelTuesday, you can post photos of landmarks, food, and new friends you made on your latest trip and gush about how much fun you had. If you’re a travel company or a brand that sells products for travelers, you can use this hashtag to find new clients/customers.

You can repost your followers’ travel photos that feature your product(s) or service, and use them as a testimonial (here’s Hootsuite’s guide to finding and using user-generated content). Or you can just post images of your destination with an effective call-to-action (CTA).

Wednesday hashtags

7. #WednesdayWisdom

If you’re a motivational speaker or you have some advice you want to give your followers, you can share that with the #WednesdayWisdom hashtag. You can also share facts about your industry and inspirational quotes by prominent people with this hashtag.

The goal is to impart knowledge that will help your audience in their daily lives, jobs, relationships, etc.

8. #WCW or #WomanCrushWednesday

You can use the #WCW or #WomanCrushWednesday hashtags to shine a light on women that have supported you and/or inspired you to become a better version of yourself. These can be women you know personally or women whose achievements you admire.

If you’re a brand, you can use this hashtag to highlight women who play pivotal roles in the growth of your business or industry.

9. #WednesdayWorkout

This hashtag is mainly for fitness influencers or brands, but any Instagram user that works out can do it too.

With #WednesdayWorkout, you can share workout routines your followers can do at home or in the gym. You can also post other forms of workouts, such as Pilates, tabata, and yoga. Or you can just post a photo or video of yourself working out.

As long as it’s workout-related, you’re good to go.

Thursday hashtags

10. #TBT or #ThrowbackThursday

Bring on the nostalgia with the #TBT or #ThrowbackThursday hashtags. People use these hashtags to reminisce about their lives. They post older—usually unflattering—photos of themselves in a way that says: “I’ve come so far.”

With this hashtag, brands can reveal rebrands of logos, product packages, office space, or even their teams.

11. #ThursdayThoughts

This hashtag helps you share whatever’s on your mind on that Thursday. These thoughts can be your opinion on a topic, a weird observation you’ve been mulling over, or a universal fact.

You can share anything you like as long as it is relevant to your followers. So if you’re a fashion designer, post thoughts that are related to fashion. Don’t post a video talking about how pineapples shouldn’t be put on pizza (especially not something that controversial!)

12. #ThirstyThursday

Are you drinking anything on Thursday? Share it with your followers with the #ThirstyThursday hashtag. With this hashtag, you can share anything from liquid beverages to hard liquor—everything from coffees and lattes to martinis and tequila shots.

If you’re a coffee shop, bar, restaurant, or hotel, you can use this hashtag to show off the drinks on your menu. Even if you’re not in the hospitality industry, you can use this hashtag if your team goes on an outing or if you’re all doing a juice cleanse.

Friday hashtags

13. #TGIF or #FriYay

If you work a 9-5 (Monday-Friday) job, you know the joy that comes when it clocks 5 pm on Friday. You’re like, “Thank God it’s Friday!”

If you’re a brand, you can use this hashtag to show your employees’ anticipation of the oncoming weekend. Bonus points if you can poke some fun at yourself in the post, too!

14. #FBF or #FlashbackFriday

#FlashbackFriday is like #ThrowbackThursday, but on Friday (obviously). Enter into the weekend by posting an old picture of yourself, your team, and/or brand to show how much progress you’ve made over time.

15. #FridaysForFuture

Fridays for Future is a global climate strike movement led and organized by youths—especially school students.

If you care about the environment (and you should), you can use this hashtag to highlight the ways people are destroying the planet, and what they can do to fix the current damage and prevent more from happening.

Only use this hashtag if your post is related to environmental activism.

Saturday hashtags

16. #SaturdayNight

It’s true that posts published on weekends don’t get the best engagement. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t post on weekends. If you are a small business, you can post yourself on a night out you had with friends to show your followers that you take breaks from work (and that they should, too).

If you’re a bigger brand and you’re having a staff party on a Saturday night, stream it, post it to your business page, and add the #SaturdayNight hashtag.

17. #SaturdaySelfie

If you’re a small business and you like taking selfies, you can share them once in a while so that your followers can know what you look like. If you have a team, take a selfie with your team.

18. #Caturday

If you want to show off your beautiful cat to your followers, do it on a Saturday. Take a picture or video of your feline friend, post it, and tag #caturday for reach.

Posting your cat (or pet in general) gives your followers a peek at your personal life. Not to mention, they go viral. This can help followers who have pets relate more deeply with you and your content.

Sunday hashtags

19. #SundayFunday

If you’re a small business, you can post the fun things you do on Sundays when you’re not running the business. It could be going on a hike, the beach, the cinema, or even a concert.

If your brand is entertainment-focused, you can post some events, group activities, or fun things that your team organized

20. #SundayBrunch

There’s no meal quite like the Sunday brunch. If you’re an influencer, a chef, or a brand in the hospitality industry, this hashtag is great for showing your audience the meals you had/cooked/served for Sunday brunch.

21. #SundayWalks

Some people love to take walks on Sundays. If you’re one of them, you can take a picture or video of yourself taking a walk, share it with your followers, and tag #SundayWalks.

Find the best social media hashtags and manage your social media presence with Hootsuite. Schedule social media posts, interact with your audience, and measure your performance.

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