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How to Create a Facebook Like Campaign – The Complete Guide

Having many Facebook Page likes is the purest form of social proof. Having thousands of Facebook likes builds more trust and people will be more interested in your brand.

More Facebook likes = More trust = More purchases

But Facebook likes have to be earned – no fake Facebook Like campaign will help you. In fact, there are many reasons why buying Facebook likes sucks.

The best way to increase the number of your Facebook Page likes is to grow it organically by sharing great content, and by conducting a Facebook Like campaign. Click on read more and let’s start doing things right! 🙂

First of all, let’s make it super clear; You should NEVER BUY Facebook likes because:

What is a Facebook Like campaign?

Facebook Like campaign is a paid advertising campaign aimed directly at increasing the number of likes for a Facebook Page.

The goal of a Facebook Like campaign is to target people who might be interested in your brand and the posts you share on Facebook. If these people like your ad, they will click on the call-to-action button to like your Facebook Page.

If you’d like, you can later target the people liking your Facebook Page with additional ads and offers.

How to set up a Facebook Like campaign

Creating a Facebook Like campaign is a simple and straightforward process. You simply need to create a Facebook Ads campaign with the goal of getting more Facebook Page likes.

You can set up Facebook Ads campaigns by using Facebook Ads Manager or AdEspresso.

When using Facebook Ads Manager, click on “Create a New Campaign” and select the objective “Engagement.”

As you scroll down a little, you’ll notice a selection “Page likes.” Hit “Continue” to set up your campaign.

When using AdEspresso to manage your Facebook Ads campaigns, you can find the Facebook Like campaign right in the new campaign setup phase.

Next, you’ll need to select the page you want to advertise and select the right target audience.

Facebook Like campaign audience targeting

There are multiple Facebook Ads audience types that you can target. The two most commonly used audience types are Custom Audiences and interest-based audiences.

I personally would recommend that you target a Custom audience as these are the people who have already engaged with your brand. They could have visited your website or liked a Facebook post by your company.

Read more: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Custom Audiences

Recommended: Free WordPress Facebook Pixel Plug-In

If you haven’t yet installed the Facebook Pixel or do not want to create a Custom Audience at the moment, you can also target people based on:

Read more: Reach Your 100% Perfect Audience With Facebook Behavioral Targeting

Avoid targeting people who have no interest in your product or service. Narrow down your Facebook Like campaign audience to reach only the people who could potentially like your Facebook Page.

Facebook Like campaign’s design and ad copy

Your ad’s design and text are its most important success factors.

If you fail to attract people’s attention, they won’t check out nor like your Facebook Page.

When creating the ad copy, it’s important to include a description of your company, product and/or service as well as a call-to-action (CTA). Naturally, the CTA should be to Like your page.

Start off with a strong value proposition and tell the user why they should Like your page. Telling people how he will benefit from Liking your page will usually get you more responses to your campaign. People like to know what they will get out of the transaction.

Facebook ad copy best practices to follow:

Read more: 5 Tips to Improve Facebook Ads Copy

Ad bidding

Before you complete the campaign setup, there’s one more important choice to be made: your Facebook ad bidding method.

We recommend that you start with a small budget, e.g. $10 per day. After the first campaign analytics show good results, you can increase the budget later.

For best results, use the Automatic bidding method and let Facebook optimize the ad delivery for you.

Read more: The Complete Resource to Understanding Facebook Ads Cost – 2016 Q3 Results!

Reporting and optimization

Hitting the “Publish” button means that you’ve managed to complete about 50% of the work. The other part of the road is still ahead – you’ll need to review and optimize your Facebook Like campaign for higher results.

When you start growing your Facebook community using Facebook Like campaigns, it’s really important to keep an eye on particular ad metrics, specifically:

Knowing where the data stands on these three performance indicators will help you optimize your Like campaigns.

When using AdEspresso, you can use its campaign dashboard to get a quick visual snapshot of any Facebook Ads metrics at any given time.

Read more: 8 Facebook Ad Metrics to Improve Your Ad Performance

Cost per Like

Cost per Like is the most important metric you’re after. Your cost-per-like metric is a lot like your cost-per-lead metric in other direct marketing campaigns. You need to know at what point you are paying more for a Like than you can hope to recover in the further marketing and sales cycle.

Cost per 1K impressions

Facebook Like campaign’s bidding is usually based on the cost per thousand impressions. You can also choose a cost-per-page-like bidding method, but if you’re unsure which one to pick, select the option of cost per 1K impressions.

When looking at the campaign metrics, monitor how the cost per 1K impressions has changed over time. If it’s started to increase at a fast rate, it might indicate that people have seen your ads too many times or aren’t interested in your offer.

Number of Likes

Another obvious metric to keep your eye on is the number of likes that the campaign is generating for your Facebook Page.

Monitoring the number of Likes is especially important if you are A/B testing your Facebook Ads campaigns. You’ll want to know which version of the ad is adding more likes to your page.

In many cases, the ad version that generates the most likes will also have the lowest Cost per Like. When using AdEspresso’s reporting tool, you can see which ad elements contribute to the biggest differences in your ad results.

By keeping your eye on the three Facebook Ads metrics, you’ll able to pause under-performing ad campaigns and increase the budgets of the ones that are generating many Likes for your Facebook Page.

If you’re unable to get your Facebook Like campaign rolling at full speed, you might be guilty of one of the Facebook advertising mistakes.In this case, here’s a helpful post to uncover all the possible problems: 22 Silly No-Brainer Reasons Why Your Facebook Ad Campaigns Fail

You see! Setting up a Facebook Like campaign is easier than you imagined. Create your first campaign now, and see all those new Facebook likes coming in!

Do you have any questions about running a Facebook Like campaign? If so, leave a comment below or tweet to us @AdEspresso and we’ll answer them for you!

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